How many people can the boat accommodate at the same time?

Unfortunately we are restricted to accommodate not more than 8 people (including boat personnel) at a time, which is also a perfect set up for a comfortable and safe experience.

What do I need to bring with me?

Swimming attire, comfortable and suitable outfit for the weather conditions. You may also want your own towel or poncho, however our boats are always equipped with towels, water and chargers for the phones.

Are the wetsuits available for rent?

Yes. We have wetsuits of all sizes for men and women. All wetsuits are hygienically treated.

Do you rent out the life vests/jackets?

Yes, it is an absolute necessity to wear a vest while wakesurfing and it is included in the price. Safety on the water is one of our key priorities!

Do you rent out the boards?

As the New Club we are still in process of forming the most various and matching any need board portfolio. Nevertheless, you will definitely get the board which will be appropriate to your parameters and skill level. The rent is included in the price.

Do I have to pay for the rent separately?

No. All equipment and boards are included in the price of your wakesurf experience with us.

How many people can ride within one hour slot?

You can use your time as it is most convenient to you. We recommend that the one hour slot is shared between 2 and maximum 3 people, but most convenient is to use it for 1 or 2.

Can I bring alcohol with me?

No, alcohol is not allowed on the boats.

Do I need an instructor if I am a beginner?

For a smooth and safe start of your wakesurf career we highly recommend to get the help of the instructor or ask for the instructions from the boat pilot. This will save you and your time!

Как всё проходит?

  1. Тебя встретит администратор
  2. Поможет подобрать снаряжение
  3. Передаст тебя в руки пилота катера

Цены на сезон 2024

Катание в будни и выходные дни Centurion RI237

7 000 ₽ за 25 минут


Катание в будни и выходные дни Centurion RI230

7 500 ₽ за 25 минут


Пакеты тренировок

10 часов

При покупке пакета тренировок из 20 сетов (10 часов), стоимость тренировки за один сет

2 750 руб.

20 часов

При покупке пакета тренировок из 40 сетов (20 часов), стоимость тренировки за один сет

2 500 руб.

Обучение и тренировки

Прокат оборудования и снаряжения входит в стоимость катания

Инструктаж от пилота катера от 750 ₽ за 25 минут**

Тренировка от пилота - рассчитана на тех, кто уже имеет базовые навыки, но ему нужна помощь и инструктаж в некоторых элементах. Пилот катера, периодически подсказывает и инструктирует Вас по мере возможности.

Тренировка с кормы от 2 500 ₽ за 25 минут

Тренер на корме - это квалифицированный спортсмен, находящийся на корме катера, который проводит обучение и совершенствует Ваши навыки катания.

  Специальные условия для спортсменов

Выступающие спортсмены имеют специальные условия на катание и тренировки в нашем клубе. За подробностями, Вы можете обратиться к администрации клуба.


** Дополнительная стоимость к сету. Скидка по депозиту не распространяется

Часто задаваемые вопросы

How many people can the boat accommodate at the same time?

Unfortunately we are restricted to accommodate not more than 8 people (including boat personnel) at a time, which is also a perfect set up for a comfortable and safe experience.

What do I need to bring with me?

Swimming attire, comfortable and suitable outfit for the weather conditions. You may also want your own towel or poncho, however our boats are always equipped with towels, water and chargers for the phones.

Are the wetsuits available for rent?

Yes. We have wetsuits of all sizes for men and women. All wetsuits are hygienically treated.

Do you rent out the life vests/jackets?

Yes, it is an absolute necessity to wear a vest while wakesurfing and it is included in the price. Safety on the water is one of our key priorities!

Do you rent out the boards?

As the New Club we are still in process of forming the most various and matching any need board portfolio. Nevertheless, you will definitely get the board which will be appropriate to your parameters and skill level. The rent is included in the price.

Do I have to pay for the rent separately?

No. All equipment and boards are included in the price of your wakesurf experience with us.

How many people can ride within one hour slot?

You can use your time as it is most convenient to you. We recommend that the one hour slot is shared between 2 and maximum 3 people, but most convenient is to use it for 1 or 2.

Can I bring alcohol with me?

No, alcohol is not allowed on the boats.

Do I need an instructor if I am a beginner?

For a smooth and safe start of your wakesurf career we highly recommend to get the help of the instructor or ask for the instructions from the boat pilot. This will save you and your time!

Термины / Базовые понятия

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